about me 


The most common question I get asked is: “Which style of yoga do you teach?”

I’m a Certified Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama Teacher. I consider myself a post-lineage teacher not associated with any guru or style. I’m very curious about what works for my students and me, finding different ways of moving or staying still.

I love introducing people to slower practices like Yin Yoga or Yoga Nidra- balancing everyday life’s rush and stress. For me yoga is a marvelous healing tool- healing my body, mind and soul everyday. I know that many of my students find refuge in their yoga practice. I’m passionate about creating safe harbor for all people, even those who haven’t felt welcome in yoga spaces before

I like to emphasise that essence of yoga is finding a stillness of the mind, not advanced physical practice. Many people are overwhelmed by fancy asana’s photos, thinking they need to be flexible to come to yoga class- that’s not true! More important is to have a flexible mind, to be willing to start this journey of self exploration, which for me is yoga.


 “I believe that in our busy lives we need time to slow down and reconnect with our bodies, our breath, and our minds.”


my story

As a teenager, I had a hard time finding a physical activity that would suit my body. Athletics and running injured my knees. I tried team sports but, as a highly sensitive person, I had trouble focusing with all that competitive pressure. At some point I just gave up, thinking I was more into books than sports anyway.

Then a few years later I started having back pain. I was born with scoliosis and didn’t know how to strengthen my back muscles, so I experienced a lot of pain.

Looking for some relief, I decided to join a local gym, but something was missing there. I felt no sense of community, and little motivation to keep coming back.


 But while at the gym, I discovered yoga classes. For the first time in my life, I felt so good!

It was everything I was looking for- time to work with my body, slowing down my overstimulated mind and nourishing my soul. When conventional physiotherapy couldn’t help with my back pain, yoga worked great.

Yoga transformed me. I noticed how my migraines went away, and my body became leaner, stronger and more flexible. I started noticing my thought patterns and was able to incorporate positive changes into my life. I used to have a lot of insecurities about my looks and I would think of myself as a weak person with body dysfunctions. But yoga completely changed my body image. Now I feel strong, healthy and grateful for my body!


This is how I discovered my love for sharing the practice of yoga with others.

I truly believe yoga and meditation can help in most modern life struggles.

It is transformative. Ever since I started my yoga journey, I feel like I have grown every single day. That’s why I want to share this practice, so others can benefit from it too. I believe yoga can truly change people’s lives, and my goal is to make it more approachable by creating a judgement-free zone for all of my students.

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my mission

I want to help you realize how amazing and precious your body is. Very often when we think about our bodies, we focus on what’s not working or what doesn’t look how we want it to. Our body is a part of us, we won’t get a different one, and it’s up to us how healthy it will be.

I want to empower you to appreciate all the things that make you unique. We all have a different sets of bones, lifestyles, and diets, so our bodies are all different and that’s beautiful. Let’s keep them healthy and that’s the only thing that should matter.


I want you to find a community of people who care about making good changes in their lives, not only following the crowd. A community of curious people focused on bringing some light and kindness into the world. Who look at others with compassion, not with judgement.

I want to help you to understand what kind of power your mind holds and how important your mindset is to take care of yourself. Practicing meditation and gratitude is such a powerful tool!


“Yoga is about living in one’s body with ease, acceptance and compassion. To relish the joys of simply being alive, and to enjoy the blessings of having a healthy, fully functioning body – whatever that means to you.”- C. Richardson


i’m here to show you that yoga is for everybody (and every body)

You don’t have to look like the yogis on Instagram to do it.

Most of all, I’m here to listen to your needs and give you tools so you can live a more mindful, peaceful, healthier life.